Somebody's reading skill needs work. You equate two different sentences with different meanings within your own message, and apparently don't...
He did lie about those terms and they do have objective meanings. He also repeatedly misrepresented the witness statements wrt to this event, and...
Not sure how many times this has to be repeated, but her friend said no such thing. Her friend said that she did not recall the party, but did...
Neither are my party. The real shame is partisans who can't see the pain caused both families here, by both parties, in this overly partisan...
To be clear, nobody is asking for any further deliberation on the meaning of those terms or the other terms or witness statements he intentionally...
You may be right. He has himself pretty well locked in. There is also the issue of Judge's girl friend reportedly asking to come forward. May...
Earlier in this thread I mentioned that I heard a portion of Kavanaugh's opening statement on the radio and I too found him totally credible and...
After further reflection, I don't think they should investigate any further. They don't need to know if he engaged in sexual assaults or other...
In this case, the analogy is not that you didn't tell your wife. It's that you intentionally lied. Repeatedly. On multiple topics. That's what...
Her friend did not say that. Kavanaugh intentionally lied about what her friend said. Her friend said she did not remember that party, but that...
This shouldn't be hard to follow... Judge was witness to the attack.
It's not a matter that's up to any reasonable level of interpretation. Everything I cited was a fact either wrt his intentional...
The fact that the Dems (and both sides in reality) have played politics with this nomination doesn't justify tarnishing the sexual assault victims...
We don't know that Judge can't confirm that as he refuses to testify. And again, his girl friend reportedly wants to come forward. Which wouldn't...
You question him under oath for the same you reason you question Ford and Kavanaugh. To assess credibility. And in this case, potentially to...
I still don't get why Pubs have to slam thru a nominee who clearly lied repeatedly under oath and might be guilty of sexual assault(s) on top of...
I understand your reasoning. But that doesn't change the fact that he's the only witness to an alleged crime. That is meaningful in this...
Her family is on the run hiding out from death threats, and this is your response? Both persons involved and both families are scarred by this...
Hmmm... now I know you don't take it as blanket truth every time somebody says they don't recall or have no recollection of something. Right?...
You've never been to a party where you didn't know who other people were?