Within five years and possibly sooner dentists in Utah will be treating more dental caries than they have in well over 50 years.
Trump Unable To Focus In Meeting As Pressure Of Booking Kennedy Center Summer Jazz Series Looms [IMG]WASHINGTON—Amid efforts to prove himself as...
An article on the subject: Trump says he wants Keystone XL pipeline built 'NOW.' How likely is that? | CBC News Last month, Trump rescinded a...
May have already said it, conflict of interest is a feature not a bug of the current administration.
The reality is that members of the Cult of the Donald and its high priest co-President Elon are probably unaware that the earlier...
From the original linked article some of the words. And nowhere is that effort more bizarre than the National Science Foundation, which is...
Considering that the primary purpose of the Keystone XL is to transport crude from Alberta will Trump be imposing his tariff on the crude and will...
Waiting for one or more of the anti-vaxxers to point out that the flu vaccine isn't 100% effective and people who receive the vax can still...