Canada has a new message for Trump. MAGA man. [MEDIA]
They’re not. The only ones who keep bringing it up are the republicans, and I still can’t understand their obsession with it.
Well, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in economics from Harvard University in 1988, going on to study at Oxford University, where he earned...
The first I’d just a blog, not a scientific study. The second proves my point that Trump’s obesity increases his chances of death, and the final...
You’re making that up.
Oh you sound mad. Being the perpetual victim why don’t you show us on the doll where that post hurt you.
Maybe we should have but being on a bicycle is something we never saw Trump do. Even though he hasn’t fallen yet Trump has been seen having...
Would you mind providing links? I can’t seem to find it.
That would make sense. I was going to post they were caused by angry masturbation, but I’m sticking with late stage syphilis he got from those...
Thanks for the heads up. I assume my computer automatically put the word “no” in my response when it shouldn’t have.
Maybe read the article for your answer and you’ll see smoking and drinking aren’t mentioned.
So, the suspect had gun and might be nuts, drunk, or had a drug induced bad behavior. To me it looks like suicide by cop that failed because he...
That’s especially hard taking questions from a foreign journalist twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to explain what glorious leader is...
And then there’s the unexplained periodic eye dilated. Possible drug addiction? Body Language & Emotional Intelligence: Body Language and Medical...
And where did you get that information, NAAFA? naafa
I always wear gloves but when I was younger I developed calluses. The only people I know that get blisters are people who have never worked with...
True but those aren’t aging sores because aging doesn’t cause those kinds of sores. Those look like syphillis sores. Syphillis sores [ATTACH]
I am curious as to weather the lack of sleep, poor diet, and stress is coming to the surface showing themselves physically. First we see his eyes...