It may actually be one leftie poster with a hundred different accounts. :emoji_grinning:
Plus 100 pages of leftie angst on THFSG.
Honestly if her handlers had any sense, they would just avoid everything, debates and press conferences until the election. It's not like the...
Hate when that happens.
What the hell does she need a butt load of money for, besides travel expenses? Media's carrying her every step of the way for free.
Don't let 'em dog out DFW, great place to visit.
Tax and spend lefties get all bent over 'rich people' paying enough taxes. Best economy in history and we're still running a 2 trillion dollar...
I'm sure none of these crazy a holes ever go to the dentist. :rolleyes: :emoji_joy:
They act like politicians don't ever slam each other then buddy up.
Taxes are a 'I'm gonna stick it to the rich' scam, just keep printing it. It's not like we're ever going to pay back 35 trillion...:emoji_joy:
Damn, no Christmas invite I guess.
If trump pulls it out, he should make him head of the CIA. :cool:
Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? :emoji_grinning:
FED now easing with housing, rent, food and stock market at all time highs...sounds about right. :emoji_joy:
[IMG] :emoji_joy:
[IMG] LOL, are you not entertained?
As usual with all these jagoffs, just pray for solid congressional gridlock.