May at least be competitive. Mertz just isn't very good.
[MEDIA] Ricky's a bad ass!
Billy's only shot to hang on is to start lagway the rest of the season...
That's probably Billy's only hope to hang on.
[MEDIA] :emoji_grinning:
Damn, 3.40 in jax!
That's a good Question... a) probably b) more than likely c) you bet your ass
Yeah, that's the point many are making about kamala.
[MEDIA] Spot on ad...
All her crazy shit didn't focus group very well evidently.
[MEDIA] [IMG]:emoji_grinning:
Eh, everything looks fine...nothing to see.
99% of THFSG approves.
A multi take pre-taped interview with Dana Bash sure to be hard hitting journalism at it's finest. :emoji_joy:
Especially from the south endzone.
I read she'll be doing that interview from a pedicure chair.
The media will likely not call her out on all her flops but can't imagine it going well for her in a debate.
Yuge tax cut proposal any day now! :emoji_grin:
Has she flopped on price controls yet? :emoji_joy:
So govt is now the arbiter of misinformation? Good to know.