You can be an asshole all you want. But when you put a police officer in a dangerous situation by refusing to roll down your window, you are...
Incorrect. I’ve started multiple times the cops were wrong too. But that doesn’t fit the narrative.
Not a bad idea. Safer for everyone.
Correct, cops won’t allow you to just walk up to an ongoing situation. Again, 101.
99.9% of people roll down their windows with no incident. But let’s keep defending this entitled asshole.
I was fresh out of UF and working in Tampa Bay. When I got to the office the first plane had just hit. I was in the cafeteria having coffee with a...
No, cops are not going to stand there while your tinted window is rolled up. It’s a dangerous situation. This is 101 folks.
No, it’s not a crime. I encourage you to speed and be an asshole when you get pulled over. Roll up your window too.
The cops gave him a ticket for doing 60. The 120 rumors came from twitter not the cops.
Yes, the cops were bad. And Hill was being an asshole. Both are true.
You should be glad they stopped someone willing to shoot cops.
Give me a break. He rolled up his window because he was being an entitled dick, not because he was hot. Rolling your windows up is a sign of...
A lot of police officers get shot every year during standard traffic stops.
The guy he smacked didn’t press charges because he got paid. He was ready to go hit him again but was fortunately restrained by his group. No, the...
They do. But that wasn’t the point. The point is that being a cop isn’t like being an accountant.
No, being a cop is not like other jobs. I don’t know what line of work you are in, but dealing with a pissy customer isn’t the same as dealing...
You don’t have to walk in eggshells, but you don’t have to be an asshole either. Hill is an entitled and violent individual that makes terrible...
Really? We are going to compare 9-5 jobs with being a police officer?
Agree. But we know better. So why ask for it with a terrible attitude? Not surprising though. Hill has a long history of anger issues and...
Hill is a terrible human being, but the whole city is white knighting for him. Yeah, there was zero reason for the cops to escalate the way they...