I thought it started Sept 16, 2004 at the Pi Kappa Phi house.
Now we know why they are keeping Napier.
To calm the uproar over Napier being extended which was perhaps because Lane Kiffin is going to the New Orleans Saints? Just a thought.
Only thing I can figure (or hope) is that UF has been talking to the women, obtaining the relevant texts or posts via subpoena and getting their...
I don’t disagree, just speculating as to why that might have happened.
Off topic perhaps? It’s maddening (not the moderation) because it is such a black eye for the university’s image.
Come on baseball season!
If it was one woman I’d be more cautious with my words but it is multiple women and he did it by social media and text so obviously they have the...
The Title IX was filed over six weeks ago. Geez. Just clean house.
Sexual misconduct. Stalking. UGH. He’s GONE. Damn, what an IDIOT.
Yep. Recruiting is destroyed for 2024 and will get destroyed next year because the rumor will be he won’t be back for 2026, it’s just kicking the...
This whole Cignetti thing is a pipe dream. If UF boosters made the decision to oust Napier it was made with someone in mind before Cignetti’s...
The back channel negotiations have fallen apart.
He also showed us that a good enough QB can save the job of a coach who sucks.
Napier has been around football either as a player or a coach for at least thirty years at this point but any day now he is going to turn the...
There are NO guarantees anymore in this new era of free agency, this has to be a secondary concern in this day and age. He didn’t keep Etienne or...
We are going to win the National Play Hard Championship trophy this year, I can’t wait.
Perhaps it is just to fight the battle against negative recruiting by other schools but in reality it is going to continue for as long he Napier...
I dunno, the media is framing this as he will be back for 2025 but the numbers 2, 0, 2 and 5 don’t appear anywhere in the actual carefully worded...
It just says “will continue”, it doesn’t say until when. I’m hoping this is a move to shore up recruiting and that he WILL continue…….until...