No amount of facts or common sense is going to matter here.
Or maybe GC needs to choose less biased mods who don't troll the board.
And MAGA wants to go back to the way things were in 1917.
They conflate morality with Christianity. Those 2 things are not necessarily the same. I agree a country needs to have a certain level of...
And Trump, knowing all this, nominated the guy to be attorney general.
He's trying to pretend like Trump is a liberal. Yes, Trump is seemingly liberal on a couple of issues, but liberals don't support tax cuts for...
It's definitely tongue in cheek but also serious. Does anyone actually think that Trump and Musk can coexist for more than a short time? They're...
Congratulations Bill, you've started half the threads on page one. And most of them are as worthless as this one is.
This is it. Trump doesn't care about the debt. In fact he loves debt and calls himself the king of debt. He's going to cut taxes and increase...
They make quite the team, don't they? [IMG]
I thought this deserved its own thread because it's a pretty big deal. Can Trump supporters explain why Trump would want to eliminate (not just...
It is an honest poll. Every possible option, from it lasting just 1 month to lasting forever, is available to you
Curious how long folks think this co-presidency will last before Trump decides he's had enough of Musk upstaging him.
Don't forget Medicare. Bill gets government-provided healthcare.
Yes, we all know this. Now what should we do about the man-caused global warming we are currently experiencing?
If they do privatize it, hopefully they start making rural/red America pay its fair share for postal service.
It's your state, man. Isn't this what you wanted? Free state of Florida, open for business, all that shit? I moved away a long time ago in...
It's Florida. What do you expect? And seems like a lot of fuss for a business that's only been around 3 years.
I think you're going to be disappointed when Trump doesn't mass deport all the illegal aliens. That was just a campaign promise to get people...