Having a masters degree from Harvard and being a major in the army reserve does not qualify one to be secretary of defense. But then add in the...
In this case, yes. Do you actually think this guy should be sec of defense? Be honest.
Budget deficit by year from 2016-2019: 2016: 590B 2017: 670B 2018: 780B 2019: 980B Trump increased it by 66% before covid. Expect more of the...
Mind-blowing that someone that unqualified and with such low character was nominated to be defense secretary. Are there 4 Repub senators with...
Slavery is also part of our history. By your logic there's nothing wrong with loving slavery too.
I remember that cover. Had it in 1983. Me and I_boy might have been in the same (big) class.
I think you do give a damn about what he thinks or why else would you be responding to every post he puts out.
What lesson is that? That the US has added 17 million jobs in the last 4 years? No, we've learned that one.
It's been going on here for years. I'm not sure why right-wingers like to insist we are not a democracy. My guess they think it makes them sound...
No one is blaming Trump for the fire. People are just (rightly) pointing out what a POS Trump is for his reaction to the fire. But that's what...
So? The US Constitution is not a dictionary, but Merriam-Webster is and here's what Merriam-Webster has to say: democracy: a form of government...
Yes, the US is a constitutional republic (for now). It is also a democracy. A constitutional republic is a form of democracy. It's similar to...
I think it's a combination of some Dems/progressives staying home and a bit of a shift towards Trump by certain groups. Overall there were more...
You do not and never have known what 'democracy' means.
The idiots are winning.
Who said anything about being imprisoned?
The company that Trump owns?
So people like Trump should be punished for employing undocumented immigrants?
He already is rated better than Trump.
What a friggin idiot. But he's right that we're a disaster and the laughing stock of the world -- because we elected him.