Don't you work for the federal government?
No, you don't have to support Dems, but it would be nice if just once you'd criticize Trump/MAGA without saying Dems are just as bad. Because...
It means his side sucks and he knows it. But he's got to say both sides suck because he doesn't like Dems.
Love letters, covid tests, weakening NATO by threatening to pull out, and lots of chaos and instability here in the US. Trump even tried to...
Trump is weak. That's why it's so easy to manipulate him like Putin and Kim Jong Un did. World leaders treat Trump like the toddler he is....
Honestly they're lucky only one of them died. More of them could have been shot and it would have been justified. A violent mob was attempting...
It's a waste of time. He's not here for any real discussion. He's just here to troll liberals.
Paul Krugman just had a piece about crony capitalism in which he talks about that very thing....
Actually across-the-board tariffs would likely cause more drug deaths. When the economy gets worse, so called 'deaths of despair' typically...
Never said it was a big drop off. Never even implied it was a big drop off. Simply said Tesla produced and delivered more cars in the first 3...
Sigh. Of course I'm not trying to compare 3/4 of 2024 to a full year of 2023. Tesla produced and sold more cars in the first 3 quarters of 2023...
It's hilarious that all these guys are pretending to be surprised that Trump has employed undocumented immigrants.
Didn't change anything. I said Tesla was selling fewer cars and then backed it up. For the YTD in 2024, Tesla has sold less than it did during...
Ok, now do Q1 and Q2 for 2023 and 2024, add them all up, and come back and say 'sorry, I was wrong and you were right'.
No, not making stuff up. Tesla produced and delivered fewer cars through the first 3 quarters of 2024 than it did in 2023.
Musk endorsed Biden in 2020. Then he got mad at liberals and bought Twitter in 2022 and went right-wing wacko for Trump in 2024. And your...
MAGAs don't think 25% tariffs will cause inflation. They think only Mexico and Canada will pay the tax. It's free money.
Trump has long employed illegal immigrants.