1 successful play was the throw down field, so we stop doing it.
That's always scary
In B4 you're called a hater
Banks has been a man possessed past 2 weeks
I would be telling Dart to tighten up his damn chin strap
Lol Lane... So putting a RB in for the wildcat works better than some 300 lbs guy? Huh
Nah, throw it downfield.
Damn that was a boot
One year ago, a 5-5 UF matched up vs an 8-2 higly ranked SEC opponent. Billy played for the lead rather than a knockout score, has he learned?
Give it to that big guy Lane, he'll get it this time
Kiffin going to the well despite it not working. Dumb playcalling.
Crawshaw and Smack combine for a ST 3 point drive.
Thanks Ole Miss.
Classic Napier end of half and start of 3rd qrt. It's almost like killing your own offenses momentum is a poor decision.
Sounds like someone you would want to score more points against when given opportunities.
Most Napier drive you will ever see. He's playing 37 D chess, we just can't comprehend it.
This is signature Billy. What are we doing?
"Not sure what the strategy is" yeah, no one does
Cmon Billy let DJ go for it.