The China tariffs are on top of a 10% tariff that's already in place. That's what I was informed from @OklahomaGator a few weeks ago.
While that may be some good news if it's officially announced, the last paragraph of your article sums it up nicely.
I'll bite. Tell me how anything you said has to do with tariffs? Ball is in your court. Prove me wrong with your vast understanding of tarrifs.
Literally none of what you mentioned has anything to do with tariffs.
Winner. Why would anyone invest in the US right now, either domestic or foreign, with the lack of a coherent economic plan from the WH? Shit...
Hadn't seen it posted. But they finally went into effect at midnight. Enjoy inflation and a crashinglg stock market, with no added benefit to the...
North Korea hacked 1.5 billion of US crypto like 2 days ago. But sure, let's invest in it now
You'd think you could take feedback from people who actually agree with you on most issues. Guess not. The last thing a defense contractor wants...
This is what happens when you're governing for Twitter likes.
I miss the days when Republicans on this board started endless threads bemoaning the use of executive orders.
I used to work in the industry. There are definitely black listed countries you can't sell to. A higher up in my division went to jail for...
He's alienated all of our global allies and buddied up to Russia. So mission accomplished? Time to focus on the all time hit king.
To own da libz
Prolly won't be long until Europe starts kicking us out of the military bases there. What is the point of us being "allies" when we don't actually...
I guess from tax evasion charges? Not sure what else he thinks he can pardon him from. Trump says he will pardon baseball legend Rose
Maybe in Russian that seemed like a clever comeback but I think your Google translate failed you
The global consensus is that the United States looked like asses. The only people who disagree with this opinion are MAGA and Russia. MAGA won't...
True, but I was thinking peak Cold War 1980
I wish I had a time machine so I could travel back to 1980 just to tell all the Republicans that in a scant 40 years they would be siding with Russia
If there's a draft you better believe there's gonna be a lot of recently, newly self-realized, transgenders.