If I were a teammate I would be tempted to slap him out of it. Grab him by the jersey and yell "put it in the effing hole!" and smile.
It may be too late. We may not see him in SEC play.
No letdown is a very good sign. Also could have had holiday mopes, wanting to be home already.
One man's bitter is another man's whiny little bich.
Looked like our plan was to keep their QB contained.
He good they bad.
Looks like we're playing a HS team.
Got to believe Condon would be better in the jump circle.
Spend a couple days texting with a teen and you'll be cured.
Happy to see this. I miss him.
Napier 19-19 at UF
Gators hero. Persevering through Fall camp alone is admirable. A lot of heart.
He's coming along. I can't wait until he puts it all together. We'll be cooking.
No worries. I snuck into the Odome last night and covered their rim with clear plastic.
Big Dez at running back is one of the best things I've ever seen in orange and blue (blue over orange uniform combo is the worst). Its easy to...
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A photo of him lined up behind Dez will live forever.
Gators 90 Ospreys 70 Mvg Clayton Sog 3