The 2 top gump pitchers have ERAs of 0.57 and 0.58.
My 7th, a girl, is due any day. That will give me 5 girls and 2 boys.
2 PM CT on SEC+.
Well, guess I'll check out the PGA.
It's those pesky refs again.
Get the shuttle ready for the airport.
On the verge of getting run ruled.
Can't believe we fell for the double steal.
Take that U sUMbags!
Another nail biter.
Thomas .182.
More like traveling cheap.
Make that 3.
Is there an echo in here? LOL.
Did you see it? :D
Why do we have 2 game threads?
I came in 3rd-I heard you were last because your diaper weighed you down.
I wonder what she thought.
Well, it is California. LOL.
The announcer on TV said that the LBS game was moved to Saturday.