Liked his humble answer to what type of QB are you. Here's some highlight vid [MEDIA]
Agree Wanne, at some point I told all 4 of mine I was not their friend, I am their father.
That's pretty low and pathetic brother. No one knows the number of days anyone has on earth. C'mon you're better than this
Well written and well thought out eighties. My only question is are you honestly that much of an insider that you are privy to coaches wives...
Matherly new thing out now. I just use my computer to dial up a new world wide web site called Swampies Rumor Mill where we read articles for...
Don't know how many have seen him throw...this was my first look. I will say he has his moments of throwing well. [MEDIA]
Maybe the most low key play by play call ever. Like calling a zombie 5K race
Agree, Shane Matthews saw all the faults and wasn't real shy about talking them publicly. I think Napier was trying to help a QB who has some...
Great news! He'll be a bad man next season
mods delete if not allowed please Breaking: Gators land commitment from transfer IOL Micah Mazzccua
allowed to link? Breaking: Gators land commitment from transfer IOL Micah Mazzccua
Texans DE Greenard rumbles 39 yards for Houston's first defensive TD Jonathon Greenard Gator early Portal transfer makes a pick six today for...
That is rough ! LOL
I remember watching Arena(?) league football. Played on a small field, indoor b ball arenas, super high scoring. Thought to myself way back...
TCU definitely has playoff worthy cheerleaders!
The Beavers were a mature team with stability in their coaching staff. This means their schemes and philosophies in all 3 phases of the game were...
The goal is win the SEC. Playoffs and Natty's will happen if you're good enough to win the SEC. The tao of the Spur dog!
Skink you in a foul mood and giving somebody the business? Say it ain't so!!! :rolleyes:
It's the same with new NBA stadiums too. Fewer seats but more luxury
Bennet/UGA =old school bags of ca$h money, new guys NIL gotta rep Nike to get theirs