Olivia Dunn can’t go anywhere or do anything without being swarmed by rabid teenage boys or even worse old dudes. I know she’s making bank but...
I’m sure that route comes with a price many aren’t willing to pay.
I believe I saw/read that article also.
Now that is funny!
Hannah Rodgers is my completely wrong guess for the new assistant student whatever coach.
Who? You must be speaking about some welsh guy lol. Google welsh, it’s a funny language for a simpleton American like me.
Literally everyone knows that, was it explicitly stated to your liking. All comes back to legimate concerns about the sport that many of us have...
I will agree the future of Gator softball is bright. I’ll go with no comment for now with the rest.
Our football needs a lot of practice.
So maybe he’ll get around to softball next?
Saying UF or any other college in America has the same money backing the softball program as OU does has to be one of the most farcical things...
To take a different angle the NFL has plenty of issues but at least they have a salary cap. MLB on the other hand doesn’t. I still watch the...
We pretty much have the same thing? I do hope that statement was jest. We might pretty much have one guy and maybe he’s filthy rich, doubt he’s...
So much for the olive branch then.
Believe it or not I do get what you’re saying. On the flip side however I think you’re missing the point many others are making, especially when...
Wouldn’t it be hilarious after all this Canady comes to UF. Lmao!
Like Porsche said winning the natty next year the Gator Way will make it all the sweeter!
I can tell you’re mad, can’t tell if you’re mad at me though. I hope not, somebody else did it! We’re on the same side…I think :)
Thank goodness for that!