Texas is no doubt good but they have weaknesses. A&M showed the world that.
Keagan wins a pitcher duel against kilfoyl and Katie Kistler homers for the only and game winning run!!!!! None of this shit was on my bingo card...
Keagan keep pitching, defense back her up.
Keagan is fire. Need more offense.
Keagan defense shut it down, let’s get Kendra up to the plate, Kendra is due
Katie changed the game!
Defense carries over to offense for the whole team.
Not yet you mean.
Screw them and focus on our girls
I’m ready for some Gator offense!
These girls find a way. Sometimes ugly but that’s alright with me.
Just stop now, everything is ok
Our girls have come to play. Keagan is pitching awesome. It’s a race to who can figure out who’s pitcher first. I’m betting on us.
Since a number of us are feeling so calm in this moment let’s project that calmness to our girls so that they can play fast and loose. Use the...
I believe in these young ladies. They have honored the orange and blue. After all they’ve sacrificed throughout the years to get to this...
I was nervous when I woke up this morning but I’m feeling a sense of calmness now.
Coffee time my friend.
Storm chaser even!
The sky is opening up so starlight from the heavens can shine on our Gators. Terribly corny I know…go with it! Lol
I think we’re going to play reasonably close to the expected time. GO GATORS!