Jockey for position. Boots to lick. Yours too! Maybe…….
Birth rates are well understood. Age structure diagrams are consistent. Mature economies, especially those with some semblance of freedom, hammer...
But are Tesla buyers bothered? It’s a toy.
But if you are wealthy, won’t you be able to access this verboten magic?
Dumbest thing ever to get involved with politics. Mega(maga?)molaniac. Watching these billionaires jockey to hoard is probably the most...
What exactly IS it you drive to the ocean to throw directly into it? I mean I can't say I know a single person that does that, with anything,...
Well, gotta admit that one way to deflect from the absurdity of calling OAN a news outlet is by including Breitbart in the same breath. "Flood the...
People might enjoy domineering others? Especially "Others"? Yah, I believe they do. You might even get them to do unspeakable things to other...
God intervening to save Trump is pretty powerful until you compare it to how God stopped all the would-be Biden killers and took the additional...
Feelies hurt: "Happened in December, not Musk/Trump's fault! They weren't POTUS yet!!!!" Feelies likey: "Happened in December, when Musk/Trump...
The "I admit, I didn't see Canada as a potential enemy until last week" is in the running for All Time Best TH Line Ever. Pretty classic if you...
Someone here was paying like $10/dozen just a few months ago. :D:D:D
They sold out a while back. Sold out to some French and British holdings companies that have been systematically destroying the brand since.
Hoarding toilet paper gonna seem like the good old days soon.
Literally opposite start, co-op middle, Gish Gallop alpha to omega. This bot has it all!
“Less profit.” Def will work.
I would say it’s equally possible they honestly thought it would help, because they don’t know stuff.
So I always wonder about the risk/reward with spies. This cat is toast. But how many get caught? Is this the New Orleans FB that gets strung up...
If you don’t stack them and put them in that somehow-even-worse-than-normal container, are they even Pringles? That one should probably actually...