Agreed. At least the FDA will be getting a good leader. A leader that knows it has failed for a long time. Like you said...if they want to take...
Does not work. That is part of how the agenda works. I concur with your sentiments. But then the trans are just playing on Saturdays with...
It is unfortunate the noise is even necessary for this. So while I can see how you view it this way. I also think…reality is 99% of people agree...
Agree it would be disappointing. But Dr. Marty Makary is pegged to run the FDA. An absolute HR pick!
This is good news. And should have already been done. If they want to give Biden’s credit on this one. Great. They know the change is coming...
Love it!
Well you won’t explain yourself. So you have created your own perception.
I think we kind of agree. Which is why I commented on why it even matters. I was asked a question. By someone trying to make a little gotcha...
Well this discussion of this thread is on a trans bill and you made accusation that the discussion is being done to ignore the evil 1%. The irony...
Actually it is kind of annoying that people like you dismiss the idea of males and females the way you do. But hey. I get it. The evil 1% is...
So why don't you discuss the issue of this thread?
Always have a good conversation with one of our patients when they are in the office when I am that is trans. Not sure what that matters.
Such a weak response. I don't even care if you think it is wealth envy or not. I will just take it that you were trying to distract from the...
This is so weak. Who is trying to protect the "1%" with this barrage of culture Wars in your opinion?
So are you really going to run and hide because my opinion is that your statement had all the signs of wealth envy?
I play some tennis and there are a lot of people I know that love it. Being a runner...too little running for me lol. That said the Tennis...
What are you talking about? You clearly think that allowing men to play with women is about protecting the 1%. I am curious who is the "they"...
I can't get into pickleball. That is actually good business for the Orthopedics. While you are not running there is a lot of jabbing....
We went from men and women identifying as something they are not to wealth envy and the "1%"... So are you saying the barrage of culture Wars are...
The reality is…the vast majority do agree on this. But a vocal minority is pushing one of the oddest agendas I think we will see in our...