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He is a rare doctor if he still suggests taking the covid shot. With regards to vaccinations. My kids have taken many. I have as well. Now the...
SS has never collected enough to pay the promises it promised. Stop thinking inflation has anything to do with it. Your dad/my...
SS is not sustainable. Why? It did not collect enough to pay for its promises. The only solution is to make younger generations pay more....
I 100% know you can’t run on what needs to be done. So we deal with it. I will work within the system knowing it is wrong and really criminal to...
If only lol. Sure 6% (three employee/three employer) and means testing. Let’s go. But that is not what we are doing.
He has gotten everything and more. That is why we have to force your kids to pay more to receive less. And that will not actually solve the...
He has already gotten it all back. Why should he get more? Just because the government promised it? I have said many times I would over time...
The example I made was using max taxable. The vast majority pay much less in. And the average check is around $2K I believe which is less than...
No. The law is clear. Doctors have all the protection to abort a child if the mother’s health is at risk. The law is clear and explicitly states...
Any issue with the care is on the doctors. They have every ability to treat a mother if their life is in jeopardy. The law is clear.
It’s not that you shouldn’t. It’s that the money was redistributed to your parents and are we willing to acknowledge that and not take more from...
Unfortunately because we have redistributed so much it will take few decades to transition into a true safety net if we ever did. Spare me...
I have always proposed that we turn SS into an actual safety net for those who can’t help themselves. But there are too many like you. Who must...
Like I said. You don’t care that your kids get screwed. As long as you get yours. And you are fine. Because you are well off. So they will be...
Complete BS! Serious BS! Stop the lie the killing an unborn child has anything to do with denying medical care to the mother. It just is not...
No. It is a redistribution program from younger generations to older generations. That is the best way to describe it. Which is a version of a...
Trust me. I know you are not concerned that your kids and their peers will pay more for less so you can get yours.
I have not watched the hearing. But can you tell me if anyone actually asked her about what she has done as AG and cases she worked on? All I...
It is not a forced savings program. If it were that and every check I cut the government went into a savings account for myself and our employees...