I answered it. And you won’t answer mine. I am not going to play your circle jerk games. I will ask again… How much you want to bet that the...
We will never know. Because she was killed.
I am not trying to rewrite anything. Babbitt was not a threat where lethal force was necessary. No one was where lethal force was necessary....
I think you know she was not a threat. But I guess it was okay to kill her?!
Evaluation of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19 (COPCOV): A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial |...
And the one person intentionally killed was not part of the agitators… [MEDIA] I will say this. I disagree with pardoning the agitators who...
Good stuff. It is just not worth my time trying to discuss this with many on here. They are not evidence based but media based in their beliefs....
Yes he did. He played Trump. Unfortunate this man was in the position he was. Fauci is truly an evil person…
It’s been a good day!
Go enjoy some fresh Bat… I am sure you have taken the latest booster so you will be protected.
They will get to the truth one day. Thank You Dr Fauci is a start… Thank You, Dr. Fauci (2024) ⭐ 7.0 | Documentary
He never did that. In fact he also offered extra security. How do you all still believe the lies? Or are you purposely lying? Transcripts...
History will show how evil he was...
The one that bothers me is fauci. That guy is one of the worst people to walk this earth.
You seem like the kind of person that needs a group cry or forest bath. Maybe both…
I have to admit. I set up a tweeter account for our business. But eventually deleted it. Just never saw where it would make any sense for us and...
The maximum to collect on SS is now more than double what inflation is. There is no doubt inflation has happened. And SS has only screwed...
Stop the nonsense. Inflation is not the reason we are forcing you and your kids to pay your dad. That is the point. And it is not even close to...