Of course they make their FTs.
Left Cain wide open and then Clayton with the dumbest pass ever.
The man better make his second FT!
Doing the same thing we did to USC on the road.
Can't let up now. Play the same aggressive D and O.
Mike White doing Mike White things.
Georgia been trying to milk clock and now it is 1 point game.
I didn't even see a foul there. Better make the free throws now.
I hope he didn't hurt his back or ankle on that.
That crowd looking pretty nervous.
Watch Clayton bury a bunch of 3s and win this game for us.
Clutch FTs by Condon for a change.
Can we get a Mike White 3:00 scoreless drought?
May need to go topless at this point.
Looking grim.
Abson walked with it after the block, long before the foul by Reuben.
Guy just throws himself between two players and gets a call.
Defend without fouling!!!
Georgia shooting 81% from the FT line. Have to defend without fouling.
Probably better off not getting foul calls at this point. How does every player on our team suck at free throws in the same game?