Still a terrible take. There are plenty of very talented singers that don’t write their own songs. Very strange for someone who writes songs for...
The people criticizing him are saying he intentionally chose that location to promote lynching. I would say that it’s reasonable to question...
Yeah, he also didn’t mention CHOP/CHAZ. As a matter of fact, the song was more about disorder and violence in general and not about specific...
Waterworld has 4.7 stars on Amazon user reviews so not really that much hate. There was definitely a lot of hate when it first came out because...
The guy from Ohio is wearing a Cincinnati Rede (not Reds) shirt. I wonder if the results would have been different if they just asked AI what...
Dingo Joe. [IMG]
My political career ended quickly when I got it backwards and started kissing hands and shaking babies.
The one with Trump was creepy. I didn’t see anything odd about the one with Obama. Biden has a lot of creepy interactions with children.
If I were a betting man, I’d bet that it won’t require amputation.
Why don’t dramas have cry tracks to let you know when a scene is sad? Maybe when there is a plot twist you could also hear someone say “wow, I...
All joking aside, this is a pretty good story of someone using TikTok to help out a new author. He saw him set up at a Kroger to sell his debut...
I’ve made it 53 years without anyone getting my pronoun wrong. There’s only been one person I’ve ever met that I wasn’t sure if they were male or...
Oh great, now you tell me.
Who said the stripper has to stay at your house? That’s the part that never happens. What does happen is the new wife accepts that you have a...
Any decent person would acknowledge their grandchild and would want to be part of their life. If anyone had a problem with that, they would need...
Interesting question. Back in the 80’s or so, there was a famous porn star that turned out to be under age. Prisons would have definitely been...
They hang so low that they can just tuck them into their bottoms. No top needed.
I’m Gen X but I definitely have some gray on my head. I’d go to the parade but I’m usually pretty tired.
On the way along with my SSN.