Watched this debate about Amendment 3 recently. [MEDIA]
I am looking forward to seeing if Joe asks him about his Adderall regimen. Saw this previous clip on Drudge. [MEDIA]
I have no opinion on this case in particular to be clear. But is it uncommon for rich and powerful men to sexually abuse minors (e.g. Epstein) or...
Okay, I see your point about early voting a little better now.
I have no general objection to requiring ID to vote, but there's a reason for skepticism in terms of the motives and how it's implemented. Anybody...
I am curious how this would play out in Florida in particular given the practical/political considerations. My memory may be incorrect, but I...
I'm not sure why Democrats should be leading big in NC. From what I can tell, the Democrats have only won the presidential race in North Carolina...
I was wondering about that as well.
New Poll Shows 66% Of Voters Support Florida Weed Legalization Bid A new poll released on Monday shows that a ballot measure to legalize...
I am assuming the Democrats you've spoken to supported Obama, Hillary, and Biden and are not just registered Democrats who have voted Republican...
If Trump loses, I expect lies about millions of dead people voting - and probably more seditious conspiracy charges. If Harris loses, I think...
Maybe he will add an Easter egg to Teslas so MAGA can coal roll people who have less macho electric vehicles.
Florida requires photo ID. I was distinguishing the different forms of ID required in the states (photo versus no photo) as well as a...
Do you think it should be federalized or left up to the states? From what I can tell, this is handled different ways in different places. Not sure...
Few additional details from a different article (bulleted by me). I know I'm behind the times, but what does "kissing" an AI bot actually...
I have mixed it up over the years in terms of when I vote, but I vote in person. I went after work on Monday and waited in line about 35 minutes,...
One allegation that stood out to me from the article is the mother alleging that her son. . . "like many children his age, did not have the...
That could happen after the votes are cast if a candidate needed, for example, 11,780 more votes to change the result.
Movie theaters do not allow 14 year olds into R rated movies without their parents or guardians, but 14 year olds certainly see R rated movies...