It’s crazy how often this is happening lately.
Incorrect as usual
a whole 25 minutes for academics?
That’s how I took it at first but I think his point was to get it back to Florida field. If we wanted to take a bunch of tax revenue to fund it...
Don’t they basically allow that now? Why else do We have a basketball player silhouette on our football jerseys?
There was insight in that?
I know they will but I don’t get why the schools would want to pay the kids. Just because they can doesn’t mean they have to The boosters are...
Rusty Hardin is mostly known for getting famous sleazy people off, interesting to see him on the plaintiff side. Guess he hadn’t sought out any...
I’ve lost track of what’s being debated but to answer the question I can buy new peers
It’s weird that 2023 recruits are still listed at all since we’ve signed our 2024 class and are working on 2025
Isn’t this the early portal for basketball? I know the second football window closed but have think the timing is different given when the...
Sadly working at fsu
Positive news sure, starting another thread acting like one actually knows something…
Rolling Stones still would have been better
I’ve been very confused by this too. It’s like it’s etched on tablets like the Ten Commandments . How does no one have pdf of it? Makes you...
That could be and maybe excluding the ones that don’t find another school at all as well. I think the point he was trying to make was actually a...
That seems low. I know a lot of the better players are doing it for money but there are still a ton in the portal that I wouldn’t think are major...
Jim mora is the coach there. Not necessarily who id go play for but at least a name
Presidents’ Day is nonsense, First thing I’m doing when I rise to power is getting Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays as separate holidays
Leaving for the big ten to go to…. Washington, just sounds weird