I didn’t see this coming... GM temporarily suspends advertising on Twitter following Elon Musk takeover
When you don’t trust the media, where else are you going to get your news?
So he is Jewish? :p:(
Oh look, an alt-righty claiming the homeowner doesn’t have the ability to defend themselves against an intruder... the craziness that goes...
i was expecting more; that ain’t even Jimbo money...
Currently from what I have been reading; they nor China have the means to do something like this (at this scale), and neither has their markets...
I thought about titling it “Winston has been placed on IR until the 23 season due to crab shortages”, but I thought it might get moved before read.
To get the joke out of the way, to make you click, and to avoid a boring thread title. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
Alaska snow crab season canceled as officials investigate disappearance of an estimated 1 billion crabs In a major blow to America's seafood...
So you’re against voting for a cheating predator. Yet you voted for Trump in 2016 knowing he raped his ex-wife, cheated on his ex-wife and current...
This might just be the dumbest statement I have heard from you.
That is kind of shocking when you consider entitled Star War fans...
Don’t claim to be a Christian when you cannot live up to even our most basic ideals...
I just assume they were arrested in a single story building but they (and I) forgot to include the residence needed to include an escape tunnel....
Epoch Times... The Epoch Times opposes the Chinese Communist Party,[32][33][28] promotes far-right politicians in Europe,[8][10][28] and has...
I’ve yet to see someone from the left call Romney, Cheney, Collins, Young, Tillis, Blunt, or Burr the next Trump. Yet I have heard YOU, call some...
Any male adult that refers to himself as boi; is the epitome of cringe...
“Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots, would fight a war on twelve fronts.” Londo...
I don’t hate Christians, but what I do hate is watching a German try to laugh...
A person that fully admits they discriminate against others based on race, now wants to play the victim card when he is called out on his...