Great, but justice was done and we can all go home, right?
I'm sure at any given time people have referred to them as white and/or hispanic, accurately.
Well that begs the question of why anything Arbery did or didnt do matters. And as far as intent goes, if you are going to act as a vigilante,...
Ricky Ricardo and Martin Sheen erasure
Yeah, like a white vigilante acting against a black guy really has to get it wrong to get convicted in this country. But of course, Floyd was...
Really simple question ... do you think the killers acted reasonably? If not, then what's the point of any of this?
Who are you kidding, we had posters here hoping Hershel Walker would be a US senator
Pretty sure its so they cant be easily ID'd lol
Ultimately what does any of this matter unless you are arguing the racist bozos who killed him acted reasonably? Is that what you are doing? Like...
The closest they've been to the armed forces is the Vol Navy
Now you are just resorting unrelated hypotheticals, I asked you about the facts (or really the set of coincidences) here and what they meant, you...
Connection? Can you arrange them in a way that isnt merely coincidental?
So does 2+2 = a black guy in the area must be a criminal for you?
GatorRade is the Bluke whisperer.
If you are "winning the narrative" you dont have to have a meeting about who's in charge to put in the papers so people know who is in charge.
How ever you want to frame it some violent racist losers though a black guy was a problem for doing nothing abnormal or harmful to anyone,...
Also, they have been losing in court because they cant say who's running things or making any decisions, seems to me they are just trying to...
One thing that I found completely confounding was when they changed the former Ft Benning (which was Ft. Moore, named after the dude in the Mel...
I heard they edited Glory, it just Matthew Broderick, Cary Elwes and the hardass Irish sergeant charging the fort at the end.
I think we can all agree that the threat of Kaiju is greatly overstated