How much does Putin and the Kremlin pay you to spread false, Russian propaganda? There is zero credible evidence of any shelling of Russian...
There's also the 1890 McKinley tariffs. Was one of the main drivers of the Panic of 1893, which was to date, I've of the worst recessions in...
They will still find a way to blame Biden, liberals, and transgender people.
The mistake was not setting up a program to deal with newer and future arrivals. Something that we could have fixed in 2007 and 2013 with the Gang...
There's a way to say bye to "slave labor" while not causing the labor shortages that will cause prices to rise, also known as inflation. It's...
Here's a story on incumbent governments, regardless if they are left or right leaning, losing elections around the globe. 70% of incumbent...
Perception is reality. And people perceive losses as worse than wins as being good. Incumbent governments are losing elections all over the world...
[IMG] At least it's not the FDA.
The biggest beneficiaries of welfare are the elderly with SS and kids with the reduced/free lunch program. Really think these are great...
Part of reason why immigration reform is needed is to give the 8 million undocumented workers protection and a way to fix employment issues....
Invest in more Asylum Judges. Something the bill Trump killed would pay for. Allow more immigrants TPP protection so they can work. Allow for a...
Those migrants are legal asylum seekers. Not here illegally. As for child deaths, more are killed by citizens and guns than immigrants.
If violent crime is your key to decimating cities, then citizens are far more guilty than immigrants. Nobody is saying all 11 million or so...
Proof undocumented immigrants are decimating cities and receiving benefits? As for troops on the border, it won't be cheap. Troops require...
This link shows COVID response spending by country. Plenty of countries that didn't spend anywhere near what the US did, but still suffered...
Biden's spending cannot explain global inflation, which during the time had around the same mean as US inflation, 9%, and a higher median. As much...
A. Nobody is cheating. There's zero proof of any widespread fraud. None. Nada. Zilch. B. The Republican controlled Arizona House and Senate...
The state legislature of Arizona has been Republican majority for decades. They are the ones who refuse to spend the money to upgrade the...
No. Signature match is still by hand. Counting machines are 20 years old, and starting to break down. The machine in Cochise County failed.
Probably better equipment. Arizona Secretary of State complained about people wanting Cadillac performance, but the state only had Yugos. Counting...