With 11 points Richard ties Lee Humphrey for the 50th highest Gator scorer all time. Clayton passes Erik Murphy at #53.
We should fear not for young Fears.
Richard - 11 Clayton - 11 MartinA - 8 Denzel - 5 Urban - 5
Urban makes it 46 with a driving layup. 46-24 Gators at the half.
Richard hits his FT's. 44-24 Gators 30 seconds
Zel hits his FT's. 42-24 Gators 2:05 1st
Clayton with another trey.
Richard once again behind the arc. 37-17 Gators
Martin hits another trey. Then Richard does too. 34-17 Gators
28-17 Gators 6:41. 1st
Martin to Rueben alley-opp!!!
Zel picking up right where he left on Saturday.
Urban legend scores. 23-14 Gators
20-10 Gators
Urban defending well.
Just scored
Clayton buries another trey. 15-8 Gators 11:51 1st
Nice turnaround by Clayton.
Good defense so far anyway.
Martin makes an appearance.