7-2 Gators early on.
Haugh hits a trey.
Martin scores with an easy layup.
Rueben fouled. Hits both FT's to start.
It's go time Gators!!!
Hope we avoid the upset bug. Those Cajuns are desperate for more wins.
Just keep on dancing at the Pink Pony Club.
That's the same Dick who forgot he didn't serve in the military. Unfortunately his Pink Pony Party comes with a lot of regrets.
LSU's heaviest starting player is 200 lbs? :oops:
No need to bring your wife into this, but it explains a lot.
Don't overlook Alex Lloyd to start. From On3: Florida Gators basketball signee Alex Lloyd is having a senior season to remember at Fort Lauderdale...
Like providing sanctuary status for criminal illegals?
Only Biden knows how to choke the chicken.
Post #19 tells you everything you need to know if you just know how to read.
Are you kidding? Is this a serious post? This was a deliberate Democratic policy until the public finally had enough.
According to the On3 rankings, Ingram is the No. 22 prospect and No. 8 shooting guard. He is also a top-five player in Florida. [IMG]
Incorrect. Several veterinary professors told PolitiFact that depopulation or "stamping out" of sick birds is a long-standing policy and pointed...
Are those national security and privacy laws the same ones that allowed federal employees to leak Trumps tax returns year ago? Funny that Elon...
For the 1000th time, Biden killed 130 million chickens. That caused egg prices to go up, not Trump in office for less than a month. Stocks are...