We're really tempting fate with all these missed FT's.
These Cajuns are foul.
Haugh says 'let a real man' do this.
OK...but 50% isn't cool.
Haugh now has a double double.
Come on Micah. Hit those FT's.
Better keep up the scoring pressure Gators.
Him AND Condon.
Rueben - 15 Walter - 13 Tommy - 11
Tommy Boy!!!
Haugh do you like me now with the jam party.
56-52 Gators 9:40. Left
Urban legend is balling.
Zel with the breakaway runout.
Chinyelu - 15 Clayton - 13
49-48 Gators
49-50 LSU 12:00 left But we're actually ahead when Chinyelu's block gets reversed.
Career high for Chinyelu.
That's a solid block by Rueben.
Miller normally averages 4 points but has 14 tonight.