Isn’t there a threshold were kids don’t pay taxes on money earned?
That may be but as I said, so far nothing has changed.
Not in the intelligence community.
This is consistent with the message I got last night.
Kind of like Direct Indexing?
My doctor never wears a mask. My dentist wears a face shield and a mask. Can’t speak to weather or not my surgeon wore a mask since I was sleeping.
Remove the tin foil hat
Nothing of significance. We got rid of DEI. Don’t have black history month. That’s the only changes I’ve seen.
Nothing has changed except in your head
What specific dismantling is being done?
That’s a big if and probably not the only reason
Looks like it was a bomb threat
Which intelligence services are being dismantled?
What’s this classes thing you’re talking about?
Funny…someday on during Covid I was as Costco and they had a bottle of hand sanitizer so I bought it. It wasn’t the typical Costco size. Anyways,...
did he/she get a chance to send off accomplishments for last week before being escorted out?
thats why they got thrown out and we have new leadership
good enough for government work ;)
just mask up and stay 6 feet away and all will be good...but just in case, lets start up warp speed 2.0