I predict record profits for insurance companies over the next 30 years
Hopefully with that NIL he’ll get a new barber
Don’t get these either but I’m not a TikTok person but I read it might have something to do with mortal combat which is also foreign to me
still a speech
I dont get it. What's them message their trying to give?
he can hardly speak in public? He just gave the longest speech to congress ever.
If they give you a wide open path for a 2, take it and hope th opponent missed free throws. 20 seconds is a lot of possessions
Sounds official
Bullets aren’t free…guillotine seems cheaper and reusable although hanging would also fit that bill but not as cool
Reduce staff results in cost cuts —win Delay payments and services results in the Ponzi scheme lasting longer — win sounds like a win/win to me
If the game was at Florida the fans would be doing the same
Cheaper than keeping him locked up
perhaps they can put up some waterfront condos to rent
well its a fake job
one less negative vote
Yep, lots of folks on here probably couldn’t hold a government job either
Get rid of those anti semitic anti American students
So decided to rent instead of own.
Except eggs have an expiration date
Investment opportunities