[ATTACH] ESPN still has us at 6 so there’s that.
Gawd dammit. And he is “announcing” in the next couple of days not even signing then. This will drag out until February.
I’d like to take a shizz on hoopshizz
We need to be all over ES like White ON Rice! Did Billy have a relationship with him out of high school?
Taking the day off work. Would like to get a thread going with links to announcements (if online / on instagram etc.) and tv coverage (espn, cbs...
!!!!!! Suck it Michigan!
We can squawk all we want about whether this class ends up top 10, top 5, etc. But the bottom line is we are likely to sign top 10, five star...
Get off Kirby’s nuts!
A lot of people had AR15 in the top 5 of the draft. He actually was one of the last to have AR15 in his top 5 he jumped on the bandwagon after the...
As opposed to what? Playing in the Canadian football league?
We will jump back up some if the 4 star safety out of Jax commits to the good guys.
Is this for real? I know people said it’s inevitable but did he actually officially flip in terms of it being made public?
Hells to the Yeah!!! We back baby Go Gators!!
[ATTACH] I’m going E!
Love beating the poodles for a guy. This kid is going to be good for us
Ha. Thought the same thing.
If that’s true I hope Hugh Hathcock coughs up whatever is necessary to get him to change his mind. Our arguably second best player on the team (EW...
Can someone tag TE on Instagram or Twitter asking him if he may come back?
Bobby, I know you’re on Twitter and hopefully Instagram can you tag him and ask if there’s any chance he’s coming back please?