This is incredibly dangerous. It effectively negates the built-in checks that the legislature is supposed to have over the executive branch. This...
My son voted for Trump under the excuse he was a “single issue voter.” His girlfriend happens to be major right wing (in New York, of all places),...
And the skeptic in me believes the Silk Road pardon had everything to do with his crypto-influence and nothing to do with “Lawfare”. It’s really...
Because he could not abandon the very people who went to war on his behalf, in his name. The entire premise that someone is surprised by J6...
What’s this with facts and statistics?!?! You’re, you’re …. A RINO who suffers from TDS. mic drop.
Normally, this would be obvious. But, 60 days ago, literally nobody was suggesting we change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of...
AI is a RINO
Oh snap!!! Those bloggers about to be called RINO’s all over Truth Social!!!
How many times can you say “TDS” in one sitting?
Here is what you said in response to my sarcastic comment that people voted for Trump instead of Kamala because of their respective marriage...
And to get there, it seems to me, Trump needs to let Russia know that we will continue to support Ukraine (which would be a full reversal of his...
He will need to enlist the likes of China, for starters. If he’s able to that, then he’s better than I think he is. As of yesterday, Putin and Xi...
Oh. When he said products sold “by Russia to the United States,” meant products sold to the United States. I know how much you love tossing the...
Because Trump has TDS?!
If anyone thinks Doug Ehmoff swayed the election in any way, that person is deluded. Puhleeease. And for you to turn this on TDS makes it even...
He told us exactly what he is considering “sanctioning” — he will hit Russia with tariffs in their goods shipped to the US. Because heavens knows...
I read this several times, and I just don’t understand the point. If you’re saying that both sides need to significantly compromise their position...
The first thing I thought of when making my election choice? Doug Emhoff, and the troubles with his first wife,possibly even with Kamala. No way...
The definition, according to Oxford Dictionary, is: “the action of surrendering or ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.” Here, it would be...
I’m not the one that claims I’d end the War in 24 hours, and I’m not the one who told the world he was going to cut off all funding to Ukraine....