My military buddies have been commenting for years how difficult recruiting has been. The numbers here don’t lie—regardless of cause, the numbers...
Can’t get anybody to tell me the elixir to decipher when to listen to what he says, and when to ignore what he says. Lots of people on here say...
It’s one of my fears … that Trump’s presidency will be so exhausting and painful that the Country becomes open to the other end of the political...
I’m sorry but I just don’t buy this. It is a bogus talking point designed by Trump during his first run and term to cloth his propaganda and...
Was the lawsuit over the 10% tariff or over Trump’s threats regarding Panama Canal?
As far as taxes, I would love to see a comprehensive study in the feasibility of consumption/use tax vs income tax.
I’m not sure I agree with all of your points. Of course tariffs hurt the exporting country. It makes their goods more expensive, creates...
It’s either crazy, or emblematic, how a thread over how a party might improve its chances in next election morphed into a thread about who is a...
According to a friend of mine whom we had dinner with last night, and who has extensive business contacts in China, China is celebrating the 10%...
Nobody talks about this, and I don’t understand why.
They’ll blame Biden. It seems that’s all Trump has done so far—finger point blame at the MAGA boogeymen as an excuse to do what he is doing.
I’m sure many people, today, are happy with a press corps that can be controlled and manipulated, versus professional press who search for the...
I was talking last night to a client with string business ties in China. She was telling me that the news of the 10% tariff was being celebrated...
Why would Trump want to wage a trade war in this hemisphere, which would result in more countries turning to China, help us “thump China trade...
The likely result is that Mexico, amongst other Latin American companies, will turn to China for deeper economic reliance. Canada will shuffle...
China, our supposed enemy and economic rival: 10% tariff. Our neighbors and partners: 25% tariff. That’s some 3D chess right there.
No question he received the votes. I am just trying to figure out how to decipher when to listen to him, when to tune him out, and how to...
It just sounds circular to me — we are told not to listen to what he says, because he says so many inane things. But then we are told that people...
I ask this seriously- How do you know? People routinely say, “don’t listen to what he says”. If we shouldn’t listen to what he says, how do we...
Meet the new boss. Same as … er, “he’s a toad and maybe a clown.” Good song for the revolution …