You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender! I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it....
My feeling right now:
Crazy, crazy world. The people who made it possible, the fans, are who is bearing the burden of all of this.
NIL Drives Miami Hurricanes Legend Jay Larranaga To Resign From Coaching Position The Miami Hurricanes men’s basketball team has fallen woefully...
The classwork requirement is already in place & hasn't been challenged afaik. This would change the focus from classwork to degree attainment....
Currently athletes must complete 20% of their coursework per year & take at least 6 credit hours per semester. If you transfer this gets reset due...
I hope our training staff provided the correct information to the coaches & Lagway for his participation in yesterday's game. It was apparent he...
I was hoping - hoping - for 6-6 against that schedule. What a pleasant surprise this year brought!
One turnover in the red zone, another turnover in the end zone. [ATTACH]
Lagway making a lot of freshman mistakes. He looks pretty rusty.
Mid-American Conference
They need to do something with that rule. That's an unfair advantage for the defense.
Look like the receiver took two steps, how was that not a football move?
They called holding when we pancaked their defender, lol.
fwiw, probably bumps the class ranking to #9 or #10.
The Learning Experience section was spot on. I hope that sticks!
My god, other people have noticed that about Jesse, lol. I can hardly listen to him on UF games because of this.
I turned the sound off, it was just so much of an over the top feeling to me.
That was my thinking as well. Up by 3, foul so they can't get a 3-point shot. I think Aberdeen heard only that part of the message & was...