I know, right?
Oh no! I don't think he'll be confortable around gator players.
Didn't he coach at Iowa State?
They used to send the gator football yearbook magazine to boosters. In the back of it you will find the range of contributions given by boosters....
We thought he was "meh".
Agree. It's not going to prove anything even if he wins 3/4 more games. 28 games is enough to see what he really is. Most gators wanted him to...
Do you think UTk pay the tax for this, or UTk fans just take it up their asses.
Oh sh_t!
I'll send an email to my contact to find out.
Because it's fun to throw his name around. Every thing here is just speculation. Doubt he coaches again. For me, discussing gator football has not...
So now I know the root of Debbie downing the bringing back Meyer idea. Should have just come out and said it.
In other news, the price of rice in China dropped 2 cents à kilo.
Wait. What? No way. I still clean shitters for a living.
Early bird gets the worm. Hopefully, they have some candidates in mind. I just don't see any benefit in keeping him other than the buyout. He's...
Shoot. Chat got me at Harvaugh, then I saw Mullen. WTF Chat?
Any chance he gives up some of his buy out?
He's certainly no Kramer.
I don't have ESPN plus. This is BS.
Knock his ass down!
We really need physical LBs.