Ducks land all the time. If you consistently put the ball in play, good things will happen.
Look at all those red flags. lol
The difference between a perceived good coach and a perceived elite coach can also be affected by circumstances that are somewhat out of their...
Meh, it’s a pretty good job for a mercenary, no matter what our thoughts are. He’s not looking for long term stability, just a fat check and some...
They haven’t been too shabby in the first half of most games either.
I still see you.
Ooooh, that will have them foaming at the mouth.
I know something you don’t know. I need everyone to know I know, but I’m not going to tell you. :emoji_smile::emoji_smile::emoji_smile:
That’s already done. It’s where they pull the stats for some of these games. They do it the way they do it here so people can interact with...
But what if the other team has a really good db?
Vandy was pretty scrappy last year and has their 30 year old qb coming back.
I would say I'm not a fan of "taking it easy". If we're playing, we should play with maximum effort. That being said, I'm also aware that the...
Condon's ability to open up driving lanes and clear out paths for our guards to get to the rim is special. He is always working. That doesn't...
I know it's being considered, but don't know when it would be implemented. It seems every time they've opened their mouths about making things...
I have no problem admitting that I am also a prick. My wife might even use some more colorful terms.
Disney is a happy place, just like gator country. :emoji_sweat_smile::emoji_sweat_smile:
I simply think if you want to constantly complain, question, criticize, critique, and fantasize about the coach getting fired, you shouldn’t be...
I think there’s plenty of guys who are over the top on both sides of the fence. The guy on this thread openly admitted he’s just here to be...
I don’t subscribe to the post count = wisdom mindset. High post count doesn’t really say anything to me other than that person has a lot of free...