While you contemplate it all, you should know you have a premise wrong. The EU has given more to Ukraine, not "relatively nothing".
MTGs boyfriend. Not kidding
What nuance was missing from Zs approach, exactly? He was ambushed and as far as I could tell, repeatedly said things like. "That's a lot of...
Yeah - kinda hard to come up with a lot of explanations to explain the little that we know.....
That's what you took out of this? Z was acting macho and blew this up? Trump and JD were being civil and trying to have meaningful discussion,...
The russians don't want resources or land, or people. They just wanted to get rid of the nazis. /s
One thing for sure- Trump has cemented himself a place in history. Once a footnote - at this pace he'll be getting a paragraph or more in 100 years.
Nope. Just information. Why did you say Ukraine can't extract minerals on their own?
I'd never claim intellectual superiority over anyone. But I'm starting to feel pretty confident about a knowledge gap over you. You asked how a...
Do you think Ukraine didn't have a mining industry before the war? That we just discovered untapped minerals and now Trump himself is going to...
The past 3 years have nothing to do with what is happening right now. This is Molotov Rippentrop level stuff going on and people expect Ukraine to...
If you're getting raped, you may as well lay back and enjoy it? Is that your stance?
After that exchange, who can blame him? What a couple of school yard chuckle heads. 8th grade bully tactics are not strength. This is...
Sheesh. We need more people getting flu shots. A study from '13 - '19: "We found that overall influenza vaccine uptake (6 months and older)...
I'd like to believe this (I'd prefer it if none of these bad things happened to them), but they'll just spin this to be someone else's fault....
And the talented folks that get caught up in these blanket reductions are never coming back to government after this. I hope their AI is good....
She was found with an oddly placed space heater next to her which really complicates potential storylines