Yes, the lack of trust is the problem. Thanks to the insistence of you and others to cling to alternative facts. Feel free to write a other...
800k payout. [IMG]
Ignoring the courts was inevitable. Will anyone do anything about it is the question.
Probably the same.e amount we were paying farmers to PRODUCE food that we then used to project soft power and keep China from making inroads with...
To be fair, I said we can all agree because your words could be taken one of two ways. The covid shot did effect MMR uptake rates. But that's...
Cease fire with no security guarantees is just a free timeout for Russia to reload. No way that flies and this admin knows it. They're already...
Such crazy times. And such a time warp. While I didn't lose anyone close to me, I had people close to me that did, and that left a dark cloud...
I think we're all in agreement with this sentiment. Well said.
The thing about space exploration; it isn't just exploring space for the sake of it. It's what we learn along the way. Like Tang.
I'd pony up real cash if I could be guaranteed he'd leave for good. An easy ROI on 4 figures.
We'll just get our aluminum from somewhere else. [checks notes]. Oh crap. [IMG]
If Gilgious-Alexander flips I'm gonna be pissed.
I commend your ability to see the forest for the trees. Bravo, sir. We just need a few more percent of you to bring the Republican party back....
Of course he said that. Now he can cut service and tell that Polish little man to bugger off. You're not gonna get a DDOS attack from one...
There's a reason you don't have a suggestion. It's the same reason it's pointless to try: We can't stop drugs from entering this country.
@tommyvee - you think you can make picks as we go this weekend?
How do you suggest we keep fentanyl out?
Sad isn't it? This fandom is allowing a kleptocratic takeover. Simply amazing.
I think both the left and maga look foolish trying to claim hypocricy here. What's changed is the man. It only follows that political party...