Supposedly, today will be Red's first appearance on the mound. I'm sure we all wish her great success. Since rick is by far the best talent...
Some good softball teams got beat today. Stanford beat Texas. Louisiana Tech beat Auburn. Minnesota beat Missouri. Appalachian St. beat Georgia....
#20 Stanford just beat #1 Texas 9- 5
Fantastic. She is one of my alltime favorite players and she was pretty muched loved by all the fans.
Bottom line....The Florida softball team has been the most successful softball program in the SEC and some fans rightfully so are questioning why...
If the UF athletic department spent money based on successful programs the softball team would be playing in a retractable/domed stadium and the...
Ocala is asking for nothing more than to be able to watch the same amount of games as fans of the other SEC schools are able to watch. I totally...
I have solved the problem about the number of softball games being broadcast. Keagan, Jocelyn, & Taylor need to tell CTW they are going to enter...
Guess it doesn't matter the softball program is currently about the most successful sport that UF has. Also, I guess if these other top softball...
Useless but interesting stat. Gators play New Mexico State on Saturday. They are 4th in nation hitting homeruns with 21 in 11 games. The Gators...
Transfer portal is open between May 1 - May 15.
Speaking of Skylar, last year she had a BA of around 250 for about the first 60% of the season and ended up batting 404. Jocey and Korbe will end...
Does anyone know why we haven't seen Townsen Thomas as of yet. She was the #12 recruit in the nation and supposed to be faster than Kendra.
In the SEC, the Gators now rank 5th in BA, 7th in ERA & 7th in fielding %.
I liked your thoughts on the Bubley but I would not consider ASU & Grand Canyon as tomato cans. ASU is 6 & 3 but defeated once beaten Oregon and...
When a Florida football or basketball player is hurt the fans are pretty much informed as to the seriousness of the injury and the expected...
I don't know which was worse today, the announcers or the softball team. Both were bad. As you remember last year the Gators were run-ruled by FSU...
Good information. Thanks. Watching bad coverage is better than nothing....I know this will make all Gator fans very sad but Patrick Murphy's team...
Texas has a sophomore pitcher Teagan Kavan that is really good. She pitched 9 innings last night against Texas Tech and struck out 18. I would not...