Yes, I’m sure paying down our national debt is the reason we’re doing this. :rolleyes: The same moron is going to put in place tax cuts to further...
Careful now, the DOJ will ask for you to clarify your remarks.
Really? What did we extract from SK, Vietnam or Europe after WWII? What did we pay the French for their help in the Revolutionary war? Yes,...
What is funny?
I’d have to see their ratings compared to their time slots to have even a slightly informed opinion whether it was a racially motivated change....
This is why I never touch cash.
Yeah, good job extorting a country literally hanging on the ropes for its survival. I can see why you’re proud.
I agree. Was just taking a light-hearted approach to the “opportunity.”
If every single person in the world with $5M+ moved to the US we could knock $25T off our national deficit. Of course that would leave many of...
One of my brothers works for Bonneville Power Administration, a quasi-governmental agency that generates power and owns/maintains the distribution...
As I understand it this is humanitarian aid coming from the UN. Some of the money goes through the central bank in Afghanistan meaning the...
That’s too broad of a brush. Yes, there are a ton of scams since it’s so easy to set up a new blockchain, but there are a lot of viable...
No one is asking him to be convicted, just charged and arrested so this can be evaluated by a jury. The DC Police think there is enough to charge...
More has to do with the decentralized nature of it.
This wasn’t a hack of the blockchain but the bank itself. This is why they always to keep your crypto in your own wallet, not on an exchange. They...
I don’t think it’s so simple to say it was due to Joe not stepping down and Kamala being a poor candidate. Incumbent parties all around the globe...
We already know all we need to know. A Russian company took a controlling interest in a Canadian company that owned 20% of the US’s uranium...
Krasnov is probably on there, but I feel like there has to be a lot of major powerbrokers from all kinds of backgrounds. In other words, it...