I didn't realize it cost so much to make a penny. I new it was more than it's worth but not by that much. Makes some sense and at least we...
Where's the fun in that?
Do what I do, when I get a paper straw I ask for 8 more. Yeah, it's more trash but it's more biodegradable so there's that.
Just the ones going to concentration camps.
Got the phone number of that hooker? I got some blow.
Not sure but it seems like the democrats are beholden to a great many small groups thereby hoping that it gives them big group power. Trouble is,...
This really isn't surprising to me. Out of all the people Trump has put up for nomination, she might be the least controversial (other than Rubio).
I heard she was upset with the athletic department and shut the money spout off.
Issues around CRT and DEI are not going to solve the racism problem. Even if white America all stood on the mountain top and screamed "THIS IS A...
Yeah, but was he portrayed as an idiot or incompetent?
Sounds good in theory but the same could be said of the right. If we could somehow put the fringe left in their own party and the fringe right in...
I'm sure there are teams that would take him, but if by nowhere to go you mean no one is going to pay him to come, then probably right.
Yes DEI, Destructive Explosive Incident.
My bad, I thought they were in the ACC. I seem to remember them playing a lot of ACC basketball teams during that time.
That's what I was thinking. Any former or current rules set by the NCAA can be shit canned since all you have to do is threaten them with a...
No biggie, I've never had a cup of coffee in my life.
That's an interesting question. They probably would have stayed in the ACC begrudgingly. There only options would have been like Conference USA...
The part that is hyperbole is that the Biden (or most Democrats) are "hellbent on crippling and destroying America". Now, they may have misguided...
Uhhh... Detroit?