Do I have to buy a bottle each time I feel that way or can I drown my sorrows each time until the bottle is empty an THEN go buy a new one?
Don't think it matters as it is still a long way off but I don't think Desantis will be able to beat Haley or anyone else.
In before the DEI comments.
I thought that was always called CJ's. And it was closer to campus. I know I would remember it if I heard it though. Used to go see this...
That whole Butler Plaza area has exploded and it seems like there was no overall master plan or development goal. Throw in a store where ever it...
I'm not even sure a million would do it. That kind of money gets thrown around left and right at most programs. It would have to be an amount...
That's cuz you didn't pray for this: Tantalus Device Never fear, I haven't received mine yet either.
Never went to Oaks Mall that much but I used to go to that plaza that had the Toys R Us in it a lot. There was a movie theater and a brewery pub...
Has the National Park Service shrunk in your lifetime? State DMV? Other than some restructuring or breaking one Government agency into two, they...
Bureaucracies by design can only grow. They don't get smaller.
Ever been to a beach in Canada? This won't stop those that want to come.
Guessing he didn't live to see FSU's season last year.
How long before you read them all and tell us who shot JFK?
How the hell can he afford a private jet? Hasn't had a hit since 1987 and I figured he would have blown all his money on cocaine and strippers by...
I hereby announce that I am open for bribes to anyone on here that would like me to help carry the water for any argument you want to make, no...
Saw one of those Pawn Stars shows where they were looking at buying a restored WW 2 US Halftrack, complete with 20 mm anti aircraft gun in the...
They were going to make them eat the warehouse? That's pretty harsh man.
I like that John Fetterman guy. Not sure the effects of his medical issues though.