The douche thinks he's the second coming of Spurrier, right down to the visor he wears to emulate him. He's too self-absorbed to understand that...
Maybe they just don't want to eat beanie-weenies at the annual steak and beans dinner.
One caveat about that is that your "clock" had to be started by entering a college. Those individuals that went directly to the military or to...
UF also lost to Army in 1923 and 24...both games in West Point, NY.
That sounds suspiciously like Volsheimers.
"All you haters, hush the hell up about an O.C." - @RattlerGator Its literally in the very first post of the thread.
You say this jokingly, but eligibility rules are currently under attack and in at least one case has generated a temporary injunction. It is...
I recall when Charlie Strong put Spikes hand in the dirt occasionally on passing downs and he was incredibly effective. Howard may also be just as...
It's also comparing apples to oranges when you try to compare to years before the portal, since the few transfers that took place at that time...
That was after the transfer players were added in. Unless we pick it up with the transfers, this years class ranking will go down since we...
I haven't heard he's going anywhere....I'm sure he is eligible for the no fun league by now.
Via audible, you're right. Spurrier called the initial play, but even said at one time during the presser that it was Danny's job to change it...
Just in the dark, like the rest of us.
Well the Pumpers and the Nellies have weighed in. Any realists other than @fox in the house? ;)
I know, right! Billy even gets criticized for Mullen recruits :devil:
And a decrease of one game. I sincerely doubt they will lower the prices per ticket the next time we end up with a 7 game home schedule.
A Florida Boy too. Raines grew up in Seminole County.
Billy "White Shoes" Johnson. He played for both the Oilers and the Falcons.
Auburn started the year unranked and the season ended with 3 undefeated teams.....somebody was gonna get screwed no matter which 2 were picked.
Some things have gone up a lot more than others.