I was in G'ville then too....for some reason I don't recall the super cold weather that January....its interesting how its easier to recall...
Touchdowns. Lots of 'em.
You sure that wasn't Jan 1986? That Jan morning was frigid while I was walking to my 8:30 class in Gaines-vegas....when I arrived, I was informed...
That was an almost new astroturf rug that was going to go bye-bye in a matter of a few short months....Spring game 1990 played up in Jax while...
December 1983. I left work at Bill's Mobil and Southside Beverage in Statesboro, GA at 5PM right as we closed and drove to Jax. The bucket of...
Maybe he was visiting relatives over in MS...
Now if we could just teach him how to wear his football pants so they don't look like my wife's yoga britches everything will be golden!
At that size he's gonna have his fist in the dirt rather than at outside LB wherever he lands.
He is exactly right, it cannot really be regulated according the the Supreme Court. What he is leaving unsaid is the above-the-cap but...
The NCAA is trying for an end-run around the Supremes re: the NIL issue. They are trying to use the case to regulate NIL even though the highest...
Oh you can bet your bottom dollar that this dumb settlement will get a Title IX challenge the minute College X's gymnast gets $500 and the...
I think the Revenue distribution by the schools is capped at a certain amount, so any boosters or booster groups that would want to exceed the cap...
Ha, ha, the NCAA (the obvious "approving" 3rd party) is trying to go back down the getting rid of booster payments directly to athletes rabbit...
5 years of eligibility most likely...he's got at least 3 more bags to go and I expect him to try to get new ones each year.
Yep, that's the one I saw earlier that wasn't signed by the Collective. Good luck to the Rashada's trying to enforce an unsigned contract.
As I predicted, this will be an annual event.
Sorry...I meant does Pitt have any good O-lineman. A cruddy OLine can make a 5-star QB look an awful lot like a 1-star QB real quick.
Smells like one too!
Exactly Lots of collegiate Football programs will be shuttered or revert to club sports. I suspect a huge contraction in the sport in the next 10...
The second article is very good. This decision will end football at a lot of colleges. Mike Hill knows a thing or two about big-time college...