Wacko Carville suggests Trump admin will ‘collapse’ within 30 days | Swamp Gas Forums
What do you think about Trump's assertion that his opponents are vermin and an enemy worse than China and Russia? How does that compare to the...
It's spread by birds... so you guess.
“I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people. Radical left lunatics. I think it...
"I always say, we have two enemies. We have the outside enemy, and then we have the enemy from within, and the enemy from within, in my opinion,...
“We pledge to you that we will root out... the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and...
Dan is an entertainer. His positions and vocabulary have become more and more unhinged and extreme searching for more viewers and listeners. I...
This Friday is the inflation report. Will be a constant focus this year.. again. It's expected to be low after a few months of higher inflation. A...
Off topic
Mask denial is off topic in this thread. There are a million threads you right-wing wackos can preach your non-scientific opinions on. This one...
Whoa. Sorry that was so hard on you.
Seems like Carville reads Too Hot. The polls fell steeply this month so far. Predicting a continued plummeting of approval isnt far fetched. But...
Seems like he is doing great since he turned into a right wing nut. Tesla’s sales plummet across Europe Tesla sales decline in California with...
I haven’t caught up on this thread. Can someone point out which two Joint Chiefs Trump fired? [ATTACH]
1. Mindlessly Accepting Grift Again 2. Make America Gullible & Angry 3. Manufacturing Angry Grievances Again
What a shit show. Total amateur hour. [MEDIA]
We should have a database of these offenders so they don’t just get jobs in other parts of the country. Oh yea. Justice Department shuts down...
Just had a physical in January where the doctor had a sick kid at home so was wearing a mask. Maybes she doesn’t read your posts? Another Q-crazy...
I considered putting this in the pricing $oaring thread since wiping out chickens, beef, pigs, and other livestock will shoot up prices. Dead...
This shit never happened under Biden.