Whatever you do for a living may be overstaffed. o_O No offense but anyone who believes something without any analysis at all is a worthless...
Well we wont know until midterms honestly so the thread is a little early. But there is almost zero chance the Pubs pull the house next election....
Sad story. I almost feel sorry for her. But then I read the news at what she and those like her enabled and I think it’s much needed medicine.
The (R) from one of our political parties stands for Recession. It is an undeniable trend over the last 30 years that they fundamentally break...
A note from the raped and trafficked girl's lawyer. “The news that pressure by the Trump Administration has led to Andrew Tate, and his brother...
America is run by subhuman rapists and traffickers. Nothing will ever wash the stench of this era from our history.
Thanks. My thread was more about Trump misunderstanding wealth in the world than it was immigration policy but, fine, I guess.
BDS. Any thoughts on the stupid ass comment from the Chief Idiot Commander?
Trump wants 10M people to come to the US with $5M each. That's $50 Trillion! Genius. problems are solved... only one problem: There are only...
Starting to think since the President is an empty suit the Democrats run Michelle, and we get Obama standing behind her for 8 years giving orders.
What kind of a sick SOB slices up live animals and uses it as a simile? This you? [MEDIA]
LOL. Worst approval of any president in history... other than himself.
Needless death.
1. Canceled Ebola prevention 2. Laughed about it 3. Reversed stupid and dangerous action 4. Probably did other stupid stuff 5. Used a chainsaw...
There is always hope.
Cant hurdle the filibuster.
I'll say it. It is unsafe to fly under Donald Trump. The evidence is overwhelming. Rash firings and unqualified hires have every traveler in...
The people who watch it pay with their eyes.
Trump has released a video of what Gaz-a-Lago or Trump-Gaza, formerly the Gaza Strip, can look like under his detailed improvement plan. It is a...
That is the Jewish Space Laser chick, right?