No you are.
Canary in the coal mine. 4 years of lies, inaccuracies, mistakes, and incompetence.
H5N1 has decimated chicken flocks and is getting worse, has infected 75% of California cattle herds, and now is spreading in black rats—highly...
Firing and rehiring does. But moving people doesn’t do that.
How does paying to relocate people save us money?
That was the first and only successful cost reduction program instituted by the GOP in 50 years: Killing seniors.
You guys elected a genius. [MEDIA]
I thought this was going to be a thread on RFK or Trump or Tulsi Gabbard.
That is $200M in social media ads for immigration and $200M in social media ads for fentanyl ads. That’s nearly half a billion in transfer...
Yep. Power waning. [MEDIA]
| Someone should tell him that he missed that boat but the Trump Titanic is sailing through icy waters the next 4 years.